One of the most common concerns with camping at our remote location is “what do we do with our garbage?”  We have worked over the years to streamline garbage disposal into a few simple categories.  All of our garbage sorting is found at the fish cleaning shack in the centre of camp.

We recycle the following materials:

  • Glass
  • Carboard
  • Aluminum/ tin cans
  • Pop/ alcohol cans
  • Plastics

All of our cabins are equipped with recycling, garbage, and compost bins to assist with the sorting of waste.  Compost can be dumped directly into the fish cleaning barrel and is then dumped with the fish guts far from camp.  We do this to ensure nuisance bears are not coming into camp.

Lastly, garbage that cannot be split into any of the other categories is simply bagged and brought in to the dump whenever we go into town.  Because this is not very often, the sorting of garbage is important to keep the pileup to a minimum.